Passion For Life
An organization of inclusivity
outdoor appreciation mentors
Passion for life mentors
an innovative solution to the Indoors Epidemic,
the Social Connectivity Epidemic,
the Screen Time Epidemic
What we are doing is more than decreasing screen time; it is more than introducing kids to outdoor passions; it is more than getting kids hooked on the outdoors. We’re not just battling the screens epidemic, the indoors epidemic; we’re not just fighting all the bad stuff that comes with it - increased rates of childhood obesity, anxiety, depression, suicide. We are fostering and cultivating outdoor mentorship, empowering people to make a difference. And we're doing this at a point in history where bringing people together, embracing our differences, celebrating life - celebrating our differences - couldn't be more needed.
If there was ever a way to better the world in so many regards, this is it. There is NO LIMIT as to how big this organization can become, NO LIMIT to its impact. Call me anytime to learn more. 207.415.4757
why passion for life?
because mentorship is everything
Do you care about our earth? Our state? Our environment? The health of our kids? Our future? Your donation supports & cultivates the people who are most important to all of this - OUR OUTDOOR MENTORS!
There are amazing mentors out there who would never be known to so many had we not helped them extend their reach. And we cultivate new mentors, inspiring and empowering them to make a difference.